Parking in Leicester LE6
About Leicester LE6 parking
Statistics about parking in Leicester LE6
4.8 out of 5 stars
Average parking rating for Leicester LE6
1786 reviews
By YourParkingSpace drivers for Leicester LE6 spaces
378 parking spaces
Available for drivers visiting Leicester LE6
Leicester LE6 Daily Parking Prices
Leicester LE6 Monthly Parking Prices
Leicester LE6 Daily Parking Prices
Leicester LE6 Monthly Parking Prices
Earn money from your parking space in or near Leicester LE6.
It’s free to join and only takes 2-3 minutes to register. List your space and start earning today!
- List your space for free within 2 minutes
- Rent your driveway, parking space or garage
- You choose when your space is available
- Join 823 other space owners in this area
- Your first £1,000 each year is tax-free
- Receive automatic monthly payouts
Nearby attractions
- Morningside Arena Parking
11 miles away
- Welford Road Stadium Parking
11 miles away
- Pirelli Stadium Parking
13 miles away
- The City Ground Parking
18 miles away
- Meadow Lane Stadium Parking
18 miles away
Nearby events
Nearby transport
- East Midlands Airport Parking
8 miles away
- Tamworth Station Parking
15 miles away
- Derby Station Parking
15 miles away
- Beeston train station Parking
16 miles away
- Nottingham Station Parking
19 miles away
- Lichfield City Station Parking
19 miles away
- Coventry Station Parking
22 miles away
- Rugby Station Parking
24 miles away
- Birmingham International Station Parking
24 miles away
- Birmingham Airport Parking
24 miles away
What users are saying
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Trusted company
Trusted by over 1 million drivers
Quality service
92,000+ TrustPilot ratings and counting
Best price
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Free cancellation
Free cancellation up to 24 hours before arrival