Parking in John Rylands Library
Information about Parking in John Rylands Library
The John Rylands Library is located in Deansgate, Manchester and it is one of the libraries for the University of Manchester. It was first opened in 1900 and over the years it has built up special collections that are some of the UK’s largest. There are also personal papers within the library that have come from some historical figures including John Dalton. It is estimated that in addition to the books there are more than one million manuscripts in the building.
With YourParkingSpace you are able to find and pre-book car parking near The John Rylands Library, such as a parking spot for a few hours, good value overnight parking, or a place to park for a few months. By booking online you guarantee yourself a place to park and also save a significant amount of cash in the process.
If you own an empty front drive, parking space, or secure garage by The John Rylands Library you could be making cash by letting it out. Car parking spots close to The John Rylands Library are in demand, ranging from daily parking for one-off visitors to The John Rylands Library or local employees who need contract car parking.
The address of The John Rylands Library is 50 Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PP.
Does John Rylands Library have its own car park?
The venue does not have its own car park, however parking is available in a number of car parks in the surrounding streets.
Is there on-street parking available around John Rylands Library?
On-street parking is available in Manchester city, but the streets can be busy, and it is important to check for any parking restrictions.
What public transport options are available for getting to John Rylands Library?
The nearest train stations are Salford Central and Manchester Piccadilly. There are regular bus services in Manchester city.
Is the John Rylands Library part of the University of Manchester?
The John Rylands Library is part of the University of Manchester and is known as the John Rylands Research Institute and Library.
Is John Rylands Library open to the public?
The John Rylands Library is open to visitors who are not members of the University of Manchester.
What are the opening hours of John Rylands library?
The library is open Thursday to Saturday, from 10am to 12pm and from 1:30 to 4pm.
What’s the address of John Rylands Library?
John Rylands Library can be found at 150 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 3EH.
About John Rylands Library parking
Statistics about parking in John Rylands Library
4.7 out of 5 stars
Average parking rating for John Rylands Library
5638 reviews
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1000 parking spaces
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John Rylands Library Monthly Parking Prices
John Rylands Library Daily Parking Prices
John Rylands Library Monthly Parking Prices
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